7 Reasons To Tint Your Car
Well, we all live in a desert valley whose temperatures reach 121 degrees beyond the Coachella Valley, so being under an untinted glass looking for sun protection is not the best option.
A couple of decades ago many people looked for the tint just to make a car, office, house or an apartment look great. But, currently, the technology has advanced so much that, the tint has improved substantially and today, we have some much improved options that make our lives more comfortable at all times.
On this page, I describe the 7 main reasons why it is advisable to tint your beloved vehicle and make the right decision.
Get informed and enjoy it!
The top 7 reasons why window film is a perfect partner for your car...
There are important reasons to tint your vehicle, in addition to including protection against excessive heat, the safety and privacy of those who accompany you while driving.
Of course, it is also important to know that the interior of the vehicle is remarkably protected during the years that the quality of the film lasts.
Below I list the seven main reasons why most people choose window films to enjoy those private moments or with family in the city or on a long trip.
Decrease Heat

Current window film can provide up to 82% solar energy rejection compared to untreated glass. By controlling hot spots and unwanted interior heat from the sun in general, window film helps create a more comfortable living or driving experience while reducing stress on the vehicle's cooling system on a very hot day. .
Slow Interior fading

Solar control film blocks up to 99% or more of UV rays while significantly reducing solar heat gain. Reducing these two main causes of fading helps protect the original color and natural texture of vehicle interior accessories and upholstery.
Reduce Health Risks

UV rays are the primary cause of skin cancer and aging. Window film provides an effective "sunscreen" for your skin and eyes against harmful effects of the sun.
Cut Annoying Glare

Whatever the cause direct sun, headlights, or reflection from snow, water, or surrounding buildingsglare is not only annoying but can also be dangerous if it blinds your vision. Like sunglasses, window film does an excellent job of cutting glare.
Improve Energy Savings

Solar control films can significantly reduce air conditioning usage. This will extend the life of A/C systems and reduce energy costs...including improved gas mileage for your vehicle.
Increase Safety

Accidents, forces of nature and human threats can instantly turn a pane of glass into dangerous shards. Thicker protective safety films are available to provide an extra level of protection in case of breakage and increased security for your possessions against smash and grab robberies.
Enhance Appearance

Whether it’s a contemporary look or a uniform design that is desired, there’s a variety of window film options that can aesthetically enhance the exterior of your automobile. From virtually invisible films to darker colors, there’s a range of shades to give you the look you want.